
Thursday, March 19, 2009

RE: Burung Datuk Seri Anuar Ibrahim? [And Jabu’s “Analysis”]

In the true Iban custom, ‘death’ as ‘burung’ [sign from the god] during arrival of VIP (Pengabang) celebration, is interpreted as a manifest [sign] of the blessing by "Patara" accompanying the said VIP. In the offering (called piring in Iban custom) we normally drip it with blood of animal or bird. In the absence of blood, egg can be used as a substitute. In the case of Datuk Seri Anwar Ibrahim’s visit, the death of his own supporter may be regarded as the piring for his visit. Much respect must be given to the deceased for great sacrifice by dying for his beloved Leader. There were many instances and examples in the past, where deaths occurred during miring and begawai for welcoming VIP. The victims of VIP (pengabang) are normally children and elders of the longhouse. The victim would suddenly faint and or die when Patara Bungai Nuing and Keling were present. In this context the Iban elders would view any death during the visit as a sacrifice of "Patara" accompanying Datuk Seri Anwar Ibrahim’s visit. In Iban custom this is a very good omen- "burung ti bisa enggau cukup manah" [when there are accompanying signs means good omens] for Datuk Seri and the Longhouse. Datuk Patinggi Tan Sri Jabu knows what is burung manah. Anwar is exceptionally blessed by these good omens.

Jabu’s view that ‘mati’ [death] as a result of disrespect to our Iban custom is totally wrong and unacceptable. In this instant, there can be no salah burung [wrong omens] in death [“mati“] that took place. In the Iban custom, ‘salah burung’ happens when the seeker of guidance wrongly chose the sign given by the birds of omens. But in Dato Seri Anwar’s visit, it was not a question of wrong choice of omens. As such, there can be no Salah Burung!! There was no other kind of burung in that instant.

In the Iban custom, there are Jaik Burung [bad omens] or Manah Burung [good omens]. This usually applies when a man goes out for an adventure. In his process of going out he will be given guidance from omens or signs whether he will be successful or suffer misadventure. That is the case where jaik burung or manah burung applies. In other words, the Iban custom of burung does not bring curse but is only a guide to a person whether certain thing can be done or not.

In the Iban custom, ‘Tulah’ and ‘Burung’ are two different things. ‘Tulah’ is curse and is used only for disrespect for elders, or parent or parents-in-laws. ‘Tulah’ or curse does not and cannot apply in the case of Datuk Seri Anwar when paid his visit to the longhouse and his dear supporter died and neither does it a disrespect to the culture and customs of the Ibans. At best it is unavoidable and treated as an ordinary process of death. What more could we Iban possibly ask from Anwar? Is there any value more precious then the life of a friend sacrificed?

What then is it that made Jabu so angry? What is Jabu’s agenda when he equate that "Mati" is a disrespect to Iban custom or and culture? His interpretation that salah burung would only bring bad luck to the Visitor – Anwar is totally wrong. In burung custom the effect of "jaik and manah" would bring both visitor and the host good or bad omen. Why didn’t Jabu follow the true custom and inform the longhouse folks of the bad omen if any? Would the victim of the said curse have access to any remedy? If Jabu is a true Leader and knows the burung custom he must give the correct remedy. But his remedy of preventing the outsiders from going there is not only unacceptable but is also wrong in the Iban custom and practice. In this case, no remedy is required, as it is a good burung [good omen].

Why is Jabu was so angry with Anwar! He seemed to put the curse more important then any other incidents and happenings during his twenty over years as minister. We Iban could treat this Mati as nothing more then just another ordinary death. If the past experience may be taken as a guide, in the 1983 state election, one supporter, a local from Kampong Bungai was accidentally hit by election transport and a similar accident happened along the Bintulu -Tatau Road. Both of the candidates won the election.

We all know BN Leaders very well and supported them in the beginning but that vote of trust we gave them in the past have created a dictator. The government is now all for CM only. We think there is a line that has been drawn and this line of error is beyond tolerence. BN autocratic government has divided Malaysians two camps. Definitely BN and Jabu now felt challenged like never before. In the past the challenge was mainly from the DAP Chinese. Now Pakatan Rakyat [“PR”] lead by Anwar gives new and concrete hope of forming a new government. Bumiputras and Chinese realized that PR is serious a lot and much more concerned with transparency, integrity and ability. They are here to stay. The BN Government has lost it senses of responsibility and obligations to the rakyat. This is topped up with the tendency of BN leaders’ trends of lying to the Rakyat.

The state BN has disowned the native and native rights. They robbed the natives of their most precious property, namely, the right too occupy lands inherited from their ancestors. The natives from Merapok in Lawas to Tg Datu in Sematan have lost faith in BN government because of selective rules and very limited directions.

Jabu and BN failed to understand and see the importance of Pakatan Rakyat to Sarawakians. In the last general election, PR won West Malaysia because of Anwar factors. BN was only in power because Sabah /Sarawak voters. PR has also convincingly won the last two by-election in West Malaysia and will continue to win by- elections in West Malaysia with or without instant noodle project and instant contract. The Barisan National failures are because Malaysians do not trust BN and its leaders. A good example would be the current UMNO party election. The double standard in selective punishment: whereby Ali Rustam is punished but Khairy is only given a warning. With this double standard been practice, most UMNO Members felt betrayed and rightly so they raised the question on transparency, integrity and ability of BN to government our country

Jabu cannot deny that Sarawak and Sabah are far behind in development compared to West Malaysia. What changes can BN hope to give and what then is our hope of real development? Is it with the establishment of SCORE? What if BN lost in the next general selection? Will BN Sarawak and Jabu rejoice when SCOREs is finally owned by CMS?

The rakyat needs to change. BN cannot bring any changes and be transparent for the better. There are so many things that the government did in the name of development for the rakyat. Now is a Cyber age. We cannot hide these so call developments whether they are for the rakyat or the BN leaders and their selected families members. One clear example is where BN Sarawak failed to promote and develop small holding oil palm plantation among Sarawakians and particularly among the natives who have their NRC lands. Instead thousand of hectares are issued to his family and then sold to selected companies.

Jabu and BN leaders show their true colours and intention when native land owners are bypassed in the oil palm development.We have the worst scenario possible when landowners are sued and jailed for protecting and claiming their ancestral lands. While others are forced to sell their native customary rights lands at RM60 per hectare and some are threatened with legal actions. There are many cases in throughout Sarawak on land grabbing by the State government. Yet Jabu and BN YBs never voice their disapproval. Worst still James Masing even had the cheek to say in one of the Dewan Undangan Negeri sitting that there are no court cases involve native lands.

By Belalang Ripong, Bintulu.

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