
Wednesday, June 3, 2009

Husband To Be Penalized For For Mental Injury?

It has been publicised recently that husband can be penalized for the mental injury caused to his wife. The injury is caused by saying the wife ugly.

I suppose the authority is now trying to legislate on any aspect of life it can possibly do. But that aside, I do salute the concern. I am married, I have daughters, I have my mom and sisters. Thank God all are beautiful. But beauty can be in many forms. Sometimes it is subjective.

But it wonders me that the Malaysian society has reached a level where love and respect is now out of stock. It has been said that: "Where there is love, there is no law; when there is law there is no love". I truly feel that the seeming need to legislate on the husband and wife relationship particularly on their social life is a law in the extreme. Whether I am write or wrong may depend on different perception.

There is certainly no such a need when we live our normal life as human being. But may be it is needed when the husband & wife relation ship is merely in name.

What is needed is not further legisaltion but building godly relationship of husband & wife, whatever may be one's belief.

God Bless.

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